

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:










  - **高效屏蔽**:考试期间,手机屏蔽仪表现出色,有效阻断了考场内外的通讯信号,为考生营造了一个无干扰的考试环境。

  - **灵活便捷**:租赁服务让教育机构无需承担高昂的购买成本,同时可根据实际需求灵活调整租赁数量与期限,实现资源的最大化利用。

  - **专业服务**:缘通租赁提供的全程技术支持与跟踪服务,让考场工作人员倍感安心,确保了考试的顺利进行。

  - **客户赞誉**:考试结束后,该教育机构对缘通租赁的服务给予了高度评价,认为其不仅解决了考试作弊的难题,还显著提升了考试的公正性与效率。






  **English Translation**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Yichun, Jiangxi Province**

  In todays rapidly evolving society, the confidentiality and orderliness of exams, conferences, and crucial events have become increasingly important. A prominent educational institution in Yichun, Jiangxi, recently conducted a large-scale professional qualification exam where the mobile phone signal blocker rental service provided by Yuantong Leasing played a pivotal role in ensuring fairness and seamless proceedings.


  Hosting multiple national and local professional qualification exams annually, this institution faced the challenge of preventing cheating amidst advanced communication technologies. Traditional supervision methods proved insufficient, and purchasing comprehensive shielding equipment was costly and inefficient for daily management. Hence, they opted for rental services, adapting flexibly to various exam requirements.

  **Partnership Initiation**

  Among various rental providers, Yuantong Leasing stood out for its professional equipment, flexible service models, and excellent market reputation. After thorough discussions, Yuantong tailored a rental plan based on exam scale, venue layout, and signal interference needs, including on-site installation guidance, technical support, and comprehensive tracking during the lease period.


  Promptly upon contract signing, Yuantong delivered the complete set of blockers to the exam venue. Skilled technicians arrived a day ahead to conduct thorough inspections, ensuring full coverage. They collaborated seamlessly with venue staff to install and test the equipment efficiently. Yuantong also provided comprehensive operation manuals and emergency response plans.

  **Key Success Factors**

  - **Effective Shielding**: The blockers performed flawlessly, blocking communication signals, fostering an undisturbed exam environment.

  - **Flexibility & Convenience**: Rental services mitigated high purchase costs, allowing the institution to adjust rental quantities and durations based on actual needs.

  - **Professional Service**: Yuantongs full technical support and tracking service assured venue staffs


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